
Assets of website

Copyrights & updates

The following is a description of the term "information":
Information (material) - visual (photo or video information), textual (written information), audio recordings.

Most of the information on this website belongs to the owner, Julius Zlioba.

If you have found your article or other information on this website juliuszlioba.com and you do not want the material belonging to you to be published on this website - let me know and we will remove it. You can contact us by e-mail or phone, which is listed on the contact page.

You can copy and distribute the published content only by indicating the website link - juliuszlioba.com.

The link must be active. If the article published on the website belongs to another information source, the original information source must also be indicated.

Copying and distribution of visual materials (photos) without the official permission of the author is prohibited.


Website uses the DM Font and PT Sans fonts. This fonts are available for open use. Fonts can be found on fonts.google.com.


Website made using Astro